You must have heard or seen in the media about the bugs. They are tiny devices that overhear cell phone conversations, hidden microphones, cameras and other “spy” equipment. To date, radio electronics are advanced and cheap, so even a schoolboy can buy and use such spy equipment.
There are so many reasons that people are interested in such spy gadgets. The wife wants to tap on their cheating husband’s mobile phone, or even some digital criminals use such gadgets to steal your private information to earn money. No matter the reasons, using spy gadgets can cause irreparable damage to other people, from reputation to finance loss. That’s why signal jammer has become popular in recent years. They are the final weapon to eliminate spy gadgets.
Let’s talk about cell phones of the GSM 900/1800 standard. Many already know that any cell phone without a cell phone signal jammer in the room can become a universal means of information leakage using special recording equipment or other special equipment and transmitters, which are used not only by intelligence agencies but also by criminals.
The presence of an “extra” person with a cell phone at important negotiations also guarantees the invisible transfer of confidential information to interested parties.
Therefore, in recent years, especially regarding important meetings, it has become commonplace to purchase cell phone jammers in offices for negotiations and business meetings.
All-in-one Jammers

The all-in-one jammers can block multiple signals, like cell phones, wifi, GPS and drone. You can disable some of the functions you don’t need anytime. They are the bestselling jammers on our webshop.
On the display of a cell phone or other device, during the operation of the jammer, the inscription “no signal”, “select a network operator”, “network not found”, etc. is displayed, that is, telecommunication at this time is impossible within the jammer’s range, and an already established connection with the source, for example, in talk mode or using the Internet via wifi, is lost within a few seconds. Thus, using a cell phone and other spyware becomes impossible as an eavesdropping device. Receiving any signal from a mobile device outside is impossible if the connection is interrupted using GSM signal jammers. The mobile phone or wifi jammer does not emit powerful radio signals, all-frequency noise, etc., the operation of other household appliances is not disturbed, and this tool is also safe for humans.
Hidden cameras, highly sensitive radio microphones and other spy equipment are installed in hotels, offices, apartments, saunas, and cars – wherever information can benefit interested parties or harm the listened object. Communication and control with such “bugs” can occur via radio frequencies of CDMA, GPS, GSM, wifi, BlueTooth, etc. standards. Another problem is that conventional field detectors do not pick up the signal of spy gadgets and hidden video cameras. A false impression of privacy in a given room can arise. Therefore, modern wifi and BlueTooth jammers are designed with these features in mind, jamming the signal in their range with a frequency of 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz, which overlaps these data channels and makes communication with wireless cameras and microphones inaccessible. The follower receives “white noise” on the video, a signal path clogged with interference, so the wifi jammers ensure communication anonymity in the work area.
Jammer Master is a professional signal jammer supplier, if you are interested in the all-in-one jammers please check out our web shop. We are offering free worldwide shipping and one-year warranty!