As an expert on signal jammer, we get questions from our customers from time to time. Our support teams are always happy to answer every question you may have as we understand this is a tiny niche. You probably can’t find enough information anywhere else to help you make the decisions. We post the typical and most asked questions on our blog, so everyone can read and learn something from them. 

How can I detect the cell phone blocker?

There could be so many reasons that the signal bar on your phone stays at zero. We all have this experience: when we are in the elevator, our phone signal becomes unstable and even loses network entirely. But how can I tell if a cell phone jammer causes my phone disconnection?

If you lost the connection with the cell tower, you should turn on the flight mode and wait for seconds. Then turn off the flight mode. In most cases, the signal will come back. If it doesn’t, you should walk to other places and check. Being blocked by someone is the last thing you should consider, as that’s a rare case. 

A radio signal detector is the best way to detect a cell phone blocker. This device also helps to detect spy bugs. And in everyday life – if there is no communication signal on several mobile phones at once, then a phone jammer is used.

Is it possible to white list my own mobile phone?

No, turning on the cell phone jammer will kill all phone signals to prevent telecommunications within the range. Everyone stays within its range and can’t make a phone call. You should consider a GPS phone if you want to call someone within the jamming range. It’s a mobile phone using the GPS channel for telecommunications.

A walkie-talkie is the second option to communicate with others within the jamming ranges. That’s what the staff in prisons do every day. The prison, as you know, it’s fully covered by a cell phone jammer. But the staff have to talk with each other during their daily work. So they use the walkie-talkie to bypass the blocking of the jammer.

But if you are using the all-in-one signal jammer, you can’t use a GPS phone or walkie-talkie too because the all-in-one jammer can block all signals, including telephones, wifi, walkie-talkie and GPS, at once.

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