Ensuring a Cheating-Free Environment for High-Stakes Exams
As the most important examination of the year, the high-stakes college entrance examination, commonly known as the Gaokao, is fast approaching. Schools across the country are busy preparing their exam halls to create an environment conducive to fair testing. One crucial aspect of this preparation is the installation of full-frequency signal blockers. However, questions arise regarding the effectiveness of these blockers when they are placed behind walls. In this article, we aim to provide a simple explanation to address this concern.
When it comes to selecting full-frequency signal blockers for exam halls, there are various factors to consider. These blockers come in different power ranges, such as 3W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 50W, and 100W. The effective range of each power level differs. Lower power blockers are typically suitable for use within small, open spaces, such as a single classroom. However, if the intention is to block signals beyond walls, their effectiveness diminishes significantly. Therefore, it is advisable to equip each classroom with a low-power full-frequency signal blocker, rather than relying on them to penetrate walls. On the other hand, high-power blockers can cover multiple classrooms or even an entire building, providing comprehensive signal blocking capabilities.
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This raises the question: do full-frequency signal blockers remain effective when placed behind walls? To find the answer, it is recommended to consult a reputable manufacturer with a top-notch technical support team and years of experience in developing full-frequency signal blockers. These manufacturers have received high praise from numerous satisfied customers who have successfully used their products to prevent electronic cheating in exam halls. By choosing a reliable manufacturer, schools can ensure the effectiveness of their signal blockers and create a cheating-free environment for high-stakes exams.
In conclusion, as schools gear up for the upcoming Gaokao, the installation of full-frequency signal blockers in exam halls is of utmost importance. While low-power blockers are suitable for individual classrooms, it is crucial to avoid relying on them to penetrate walls. High-power blockers, on the other hand, can effectively cover multiple classrooms or even entire buildings. To ensure the effectiveness of these blockers, it is advisable to consult reputable manufacturers with a strong technical support team and a proven track record in developing full-frequency signal blockers. By doing so, schools can confidently create an environment that deters electronic cheating and upholds the integrity of high-stakes exams.