Key Takeaways

Product WeightJammer Master’s portable jammers average 1.5Kg, significantly lighter than desktop models.
Frequency BandsCapable of blocking multiple bands with individual DIP switches for channel control.
Cellular JammersJM021 targets 2G to 4G, while JM019 also blocks 5G frequencies.
WiFi JammersJM008 and JM012 offer dual-band blocking for both 2.4 and 5GHz frequencies.
Mini JammersJM015 and JM025 provide ultra-portability with unique features like a power bank function.
Customer ServiceJammer Master offers a 1-year warranty and free worldwide shipping.

In a world where digital privacy is paramount, portable signal jammers have become essential tools for securing personal spaces against unwanted surveillance and interruptions. Jammer Master specializes in crafting state-of-the-art jammers that not only protect your privacy but are also designed with mobility and ease of use in mind.

The Jammer Master Advantage

Jammer Master’s portfolio of portable jammers stands out for its lightweight design and multifunctional capabilities. Weighing approximately 1.5Kg, our portable jammers are built for convenience without compromising on power, a stark contrast to the bulkier desktop models averaging around 6kg.

If you’re new to signal jammers and want to get the lowdown, have a look at this article – it’s got all the info you’ll need.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Before diving into the features of portable jammers, it’s crucial to acknowledge the legal and ethical considerations of their use. Jammer Master is committed to promoting responsible usage, ensuring that customers are well-informed about the legalities in their respective regions.

DIP Switcher?

Jammer Master offers a diverse range of portable jammers to suit various needs. Most of them are All-in-One jamming devices. But each model is equipped with user-friendly DIP switches, allowing you to have complete control over which frequency channels you wish to block or allow.

Portable Cell Phone Jammers


When selecting a portable cell phone jammer, the details matter. The JM021 is a model tailored for those needing to disrupt 2G, 3G, and 4G signals. At a practical 20 meters range, and with an output power of 5.6W, it offers a balanced solution for personal or professional spaces. Weighing in at just 1.7Kg, the JM021 stands out with its portability and efficiency. Check out our phone jammer collection here.


On the cutting edge, the JM019 is Jammer Master’s answer to the evolving cellular technology, capable of blocking signals including the advanced 5G frequencies. It boasts an impressive 25-meter range and a powerful 24W output, ensuring that you stay ahead of technological advancements and secure in your privacy.

Portable WiFi Jammers


In today’s interconnected world, WiFi signals are ubiquitous, making their interruption as critical as cellular signals. The JM008 excels in this role, offering the ability to jam WiFi signals across both 2.4 and 5GHz frequencies. This model ensures that your WiFi jamming needs are met with precision and flexibility, thanks to its 20-meter range and a solid 7W output power.


Similarly, the JM012 is another versatile performer from Jammer Master, adept at blocking WiFi and Bluetooth signals. It stands out with its extended 40-meter range, a desirable feature for those needing to cover larger areas, and does so with a robust 6W output.

Pocket Jammers


Jammer Master understands the need for discretion without compromising on functionality. The JM015 is the epitome of this philosophy. Beyond its jamming capabilities, it serves as a functional power bank. This dual-purpose device is lightweight, easily concealable, and can block GPS, GLONASS, and GSM/CDMA signals within a 10-meter radius, with an output of 1.2W.


For those who prioritize a subtle presence, the JM025 is unmatched. This mini jammer can block 2G/3G/4G cell phone signals, WiFi, and LoJack within a 5-meter range and is equipped with a 1.6W output. Its hidden antenna design ensures that it remains unobtrusive while providing the jamming coverage you need.

Each Jammer Master product is a testament to our dedication to quality and innovation, providing you with the best solutions to meet your portable signal jamming needs. With our range of products, you can find the perfect balance of power, portability, and precision to protect your privacy and ensure security in any setting.

High Power vs. Low Power Jammers

When choosing the right signal jammer for your needs, power is a pivotal factor. At Jammer Master, we craft a variety of signal jammers to match the diverse requirements of our customers. While our desktop jammers pack a powerful punch with an output range from 30 to 110W, designed for those who need to secure large venues or have high-density signal blocking needs, portable jammers serve a different purpose.

For situations that demand flexibility and mobility, our portable jammers, with an output power typically under 20W, are the ideal choice. They provide a practical balance between jamming power and portability, making them perfect for personal use or in smaller spaces. If your priority is to maintain a discreet presence while protecting your personal space, these portable devices are unparalleled in convenience and efficiency.

However, for those of you who require a more robust solution, perhaps to cover extensive areas or for heavy-duty signal blocking, we recommend considering Jammer Master’s desktop jammers. With their high output power, they are better suited for creating a substantial buffer against external signals.

Features to Look For

Shopping for a portable signal jammer comes down to identifying key features that meet your needs. Look for:

  • Extended Battery Life: Ensuring your device runs as long as you need it.
  • Multiple Frequency Bands: To block various signal types simultaneously.
  • Adjustable Output Power: Providing flexibility in range and interference strength.

Every Jammer Master product is designed considering these pivotal features, allowing you to select a device that is tailored to your specific requirements.

FAQs for Jammer Buyers

Prospective buyers often have questions, and Jammer Master has the answers. Here are a few common inquiries:

Can I use these jammers in my country?

Signal jammer usage varies by country. We advise checking local regulations before purchase.

How do I know which jammer to choose?

Consider the types of signals you need to block and the range you require. Our customer service team is always ready to assist. Send us an email.

Purchasing Tips

When purchasing a portable signal jammer, consider the weight, power, and frequency bands. Jammer Master’s commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and innovation makes our products a smart choice for anyone in the market for a reliable signal jamming solution. With a 1-year warranty and free worldwide shipping, we stand behind our products and ensure you have the support you need.

Before making your purchase, review product features, read customer testimonials, and ensure that the jammer you select meets all your requirements. Visit Jammer Master for more information and to view our extensive product range.