The Impact of Installation Position and Site Conditions on the Effectiveness of Signal Jammers

In recent times, we have witnessed the installation of a new device in examination halls – the Signal Jammer. This device has been widely promoted by many schools as an effective solution to counter electronic cheating. While its visible effects are evident, there is an unknown factor that affects its performance – the installation position and site conditions.

This article aims to explore the various factors that can influence the effectiveness of Signal Jammers.

Factors Affecting the Range of Signal Jamming:

Although the range of signal jamming is clearly stated in the description of Signal Jammers, it is important to consider different scenarios in practical applications. Firstly, the distance from the base station is one of the reasons that can affect the range of signal jamming. The impact varies depending on the proximity to the base station.

Obstacles and Material Composition:

Secondly, it is crucial to note that Signal Jammers cannot penetrate walls, which significantly reduces their effectiveness. Additionally, the presence of metal objects can directly impact the shielding effect. Therefore, the range of signal jamming is not solely determined by the transmission power of the jammer’s modules but also by the signal strength of the base station and the material composition of obstacles in the vicinity.

The Most Effective Solution:

Despite the aforementioned factors that can influence the effectiveness of Signal Jammers, they remain the most efficient means to eliminate electronic cheating. As a manufacturer specializing in information security protection, we have years of experience in research and development. We offer reliable and competitively priced machines that can be trusted for their professional quality.


In conclusion, the installation position and site conditions play a significant role in determining the effectiveness of Signal Jammers. Factors such as the distance from the base station, the inability to penetrate walls, and the presence of metal objects can all impact the range of signal jamming. However, despite these challenges, Signal Jammers remain the most effective solution for combating electronic cheating. For those interested in learning more about Signal Jammers, we welcome you to consult with us. Our machines are of reliable quality and offered at competitive prices, making them a trustworthy choice.