Wireless signal jamming devices are primarily used by law enforcement agencies for handling special tasks such as crowd control and temporary communication control at the scene. These devices are equipped with wireless signal interference technology to disrupt communication signals. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of equipping omni-directional antennas for these jamming devices.
Convenience in Portability:
Wireless signal jamming devices are designed to be portable due to the varying nature of their usage. The commonly seen types are suitcase-style and backpack-style devices. By default, these devices are equipped with omni-directional antennas. The advantages of using omni-directional antennas are as follows:
- Easy to Carry: Omni-directional antennas are slim and elongated in shape, making them convenient to carry. Users can simply retract the antenna into a storage bag or a dedicated antenna storage box. This not only saves space but also protects the antenna from damage during transportation.
- Quick Installation and Removal: When arriving at the task location, users can easily connect the omni-directional antenna to the corresponding interface of the jamming device by aligning the frequency bands. The antenna can be securely tightened with a simple twist. Similarly, when it is time to dismantle the device, users can easily unscrew the antenna and store it in the storage bag.
Drawbacks of Directional Antennas:
While omni-directional antennas offer convenience in portability, directional antennas do not possess the same advantages. Directional antennas are typically flat and require more space for storage. In addition to carrying the antenna, users also need to carry the installation bracket for the directional antenna, which further complicates the storage process. Furthermore, the installation process of directional antennas is more time-consuming as users need to mount the antenna onto the antenna bracket and then connect it to the jamming device via a feeder cable. This makes the operation less straightforward compared to omni-directional antennas.
The Benefit of Directional Antennas:
Despite the drawbacks mentioned above, directional antennas have one significant advantage over omni-directional antennas – higher gain. The higher gain of directional antennas allows for the maximization of the jamming effect on the desired frequency bands. This advantage is not present in omni-directional antennas.
In conclusion, equipping wireless signal jamming devices with omni-directional antennas offers several advantages in terms of convenience and portability. The slim and elongated design of omni-directional antennas makes them easy to carry and store. Additionally, the quick installation and removal process simplifies the operation of the jamming device. While directional antennas provide higher gain, they lack the convenience and simplicity offered by omni-directional antennas. Therefore, the choice between the two types of antennas depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand.