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The legal question of signal jammers in El Salvador

El Salvador

El Salvador is a small country located in Central America, bordered by Guatemala to the west, Honduras to the northeast, and the Pacific Ocean to the south. Despite being considered one of the most violent countries in the world, the Salvadoran government has implemented strict laws and regulations to regulate the use of certain technologies, including signal jammers.

Laws and Regulations Regarding Signal Jammers in El Salvador

The use of signal jammers is strictly prohibited in El Salvador. Salvadoran legislation has clearly defined signal jammers as electronic devices intended to jam, interfere with, or disrupt the communication signals emitted by telecommunications networks. In 2008, the Salvadoran government passed the Telecommunications Regulation Law, which prohibits the use of signal jammers throughout the territory. This law was strengthened in 2014 with the addition of an article specifying that anyone who uses or possesses a signal jammer without prior authorization is subject to criminal sanctions.

Regulatory Bodies Governing the Use of Signal Jammers

The regulatory body that oversees the use of signal jammers in El Salvador is the Superintendency of Telecommunications (SIGET). This government agency is responsible for regulating the use of communication technologies in the country, including telecommunications, broadcasting, postal services, and related technologies.

How to Obtain Legal Authorization to Use a Signal Jammer in El Salvador

Under Salvadoran legislation, it is not possible to obtain legal authorization to use a signal jammer. The use of these devices is prohibited and subject to criminal sanctions, unless authorized by law enforcement or government agencies for national security or combating organized crime purposes.

Want to Block Signal in El Salvador?

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