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Signal Jammers in Syria


Syria is a Middle Eastern country that has experienced numerous political, economic, and social upheavals in recent years. However, despite these challenges, Syria is a country that possesses a relatively developed telecommunications infrastructure. Like in many countries, the use of signal jammers is a matter of concern for the telecommunications regulatory authorities in Syria.

Laws and regulations concerning signal jammers in Syria

In Syria, the use of signal jammers is regulated by the government. In 2014, the Syrian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology issued a press release announcing the prohibition of the manufacturing, sale, and use of signal jammers. This prohibition was implemented for reasons of national security, as signal jammers can be used to disrupt military and security communications.

Regulatory bodies for signal jammers in Syria

The Syrian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology is the regulatory body responsible for monitoring and enforcing laws and regulations regarding the use of signal jammers in Syria. This ministry also collaborates with other government agencies to ensure that the laws and regulations are adhered to.

Obtaining legal authorization to use a signal jammer in Syria

Due to the ban on the use of signal jammers in Syria, it is not possible to obtain legal authorization for their use. This means that the use of signal jammers is illegal in Syria, except in cases where the government uses them for national security purposes.

Want to Block Signal in Syria?

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