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Regulations and Permissions for the Use of Signal Jammers in Nepal


Nepal is a landlocked country in the Himalayas, situated between China and India. The country has a population of approximately 30 million people and possesses a developing economy. The information and communication technology sector is experiencing rapid growth, with increased adoption of mobile phones and electronic devices in the country.

Regulations regarding Signal Jammers

In Nepal, the use of signal jammers is prohibited under the Telecommunications Regulation Act of 2053 (1997). According to this law, only telecommunications service providers are authorized to install telecommunications equipment and provide telecommunications services. Individuals are not allowed to install or use signal jammers, as it may cause disruption to public communications.

Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA)

Nepal has a telecommunications regulatory authority, the Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA), established in 2051 (1994) under the Nepal Telecommunications Act of 2050 (1993). The NTA is responsible for regulating and overseeing the entire telecommunications sector in Nepal, including licenses, frequencies, technical standards, and telecommunications security.

Permissions for the use of Signal Jammers

Within the framework of telecommunications regulations, there is no authorization procedure for individuals to use signal jammers. Therefore, it is not legal to use signal jammers in Nepal. The only entities authorized to install and use telecommunications equipment are the telecommunications service providers, who must obtain a license from the NTA to provide telecommunications services in Nepal.

Want to Block Signal in Nepal?

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