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Regulation of Signal Jammers in the Philippines


The Philippines is a Southeast Asian country, composed of an archipelago of over 7,000 islands. With a population of over 100 million people, the Philippines is the 13th most populous country in the world. The country has experienced rapid growth in technology usage in recent years, leading to an increase in demand for signal jamming devices.

Laws and Regulations Regarding Signal Jammers in the Philippines

In the Philippines, the use of signal jammers is illegal under the Republic Act No. 10844 or the Electronic Communications and Privacy Act of 2016. According to the law, the use of signal jammers is considered a criminal activity and can result in imprisonment and/or fines. The law also prohibits the sale, distribution, importation, exportation, and possession of signal jammers. Companies that manufacture or sell signal jammers may also face criminal charges.

Effective Date

The Republic Act No. 10844 came into effect on May 23, 2016. Since then, the use of signal jammers has been illegal in the Philippines.

Regulatory Bodies Governing the Use of Signal Jammers

The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) is the regulatory body that oversees the use of electronic communications in the Philippines. The NTC was established in 1979 and is responsible for regulating telecommunications, radio communications, broadcasting, and postal services in the country. The NTC works closely with the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to ensure that policies and regulations related to electronic communications are in compliance with existing laws and regulations.

Obtaining Legal Authorization to Use a Signal Jammer in the Philippines

As mentioned earlier, the use of signal jammers is illegal in the Philippines, and there is no procedure to obtain legal authorization for their use. Companies that need to block signals in specific areas can use legal jamming devices, such as government-authorized GPS signal jammers.

Want to Block Signal in Philippines?

We at Jammer Master are professional supplier of signal jammers, cell phone jammers, WiFi jammers, GPS jammers and drone jammers. All of our products are reliable in signal blocking and comes with a 1-year warranty. Buy now to enjoy free worldwide shipping today!