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Regulation of Signal Jammers in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is a country located in the South Pacific, sharing a land border with Indonesia to the west and being surrounded by the Coral Sea to the east. The country is known for its cultural, linguistic, and geographical diversity, as well as its socio-economic challenges.

Regulation of Signal Jammers in Papua New Guinea

In Papua New Guinea, the use of signal jammers is regulated by law. The government has adopted the 2014 Radiocommunications Regulation, which specifies the conditions under which signal jammers can be used. This regulation applies to all individuals and entities using radiocommunication equipment in Papua New Guinea.

The regulation states that the use of signal jammers is illegal, except in cases where it is authorized by the Information and Communication Technology Regulatory Authority (ICTRA). This authority is responsible for regulating and overseeing the ICT sector in Papua New Guinea. The ICTRA has also developed policies and procedures to regulate the use of signal jammers.

Requests for authorization to use signal jammers must be submitted to the ICTRA, which reviews each request on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must provide compelling justifications for the use of signal jammers and demonstrate sufficient technical skills to use this equipment appropriately.

It should be noted that the ICTRA may grant temporary or permanent authorization for the use of signal jammers to specific entities, such as law enforcement agencies, security services, and government agencies. However, even in these cases, the use of signal jammers is subject to strict rules and limitations.

Want to Block Signal in Papua New Guinea?

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