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Laws and Regulations on the Use of Signal Jammers in Montenegro


Montenegro is a small country located in the Balkans, on the Adriatic coast. Since its independence in 2006, Montenegro has experienced rapid economic growth, largely due to tourism. The country is also known for its natural beauty and cultural heritage. Like in many other countries, the use of signal jammers is regulated in Montenegro.

Laws and Regulations regarding Signal Jammers

In Montenegro, the use of signal jammers is illegal, in accordance with the Law on Electronic Communications. According to this law, only official security agencies are authorized to use signal jammers for reasons of national security. Signal jammers may also be used in penal institutions to prevent inmates from communicating with the outside world. However, their use must be approved by the relevant authorities.

Effective Date

The Law on Electronic Communications was adopted in 2011 and came into effect the same year. Since then, the use of signal jammers has been strictly regulated.

Regulatory Bodies

The Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro is the government agency responsible for regulating the use of signal jammers in the country. The Agency works closely with other security agencies to ensure that signal jammers are only used under authorized conditions.

Obtaining Legal Authorization

To obtain legal authorization to use a signal jammer in the country, it is necessary to submit an application to the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services. The application must explain the reason why the use of a signal jammer is necessary and how it will be used. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and authorization is granted only if the use of the signal jammer is deemed necessary and proportionate.

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