Upgrading Police Interference Devices for 5G Signal Blocking

Adapting to the Advancements in 5G Technology

As 5G signals continue to gain traction, it has become imperative for law enforcement agencies to upgrade their police interference devices. These devices, which were initially designed to block and interfere with frequencies used by previous generations of mobile networks, are now rendered ineffective against the new 5G signals. This article explores the reasons behind the need for upgrading police interference devices to effectively block and interfere with 5G signals.

The Expansion of 5G Signal Frequencies:

According to the frequency division set by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the introduction of 5G signals has brought about significant changes in the frequency spectrum. In addition to the frequencies used by previous generations of mobile networks, such as 4G, new frequencies have been added for shared usage between broadcasting and mobile networks. These include the 700 MHz band for broadcasting and mobile networks, as well as the 3.4 GHz to 3.6 GHz band for China Telecom and China Unicom. Furthermore, the frequency range for China Mobile’s original 4G network has been expanded from 2555 MHz to 2655 MHz to 2515 MHz to 2675 MHz. Consequently, upgrading police interference devices to include 5G blocking modules requires the addition of 2-3 modules, as well as the expansion of the mobile 2.6 GHz module.

Enhancing 5G Signal Blocking Capabilities:

To effectively block and interfere with 5G signals, it is essential to upgrade police interference devices with the necessary modules. As per the MIIT’s frequency division plan, the addition of 2-3 modules is required to accommodate the new frequencies introduced by 5G networks. Additionally, the mobile 2.6 GHz module needs to be expanded to cover the extended frequency range. By implementing these upgrades, police interference devices will be capable of shielding and interfering with 5G signals, ensuring the continued effectiveness of law enforcement operations.

Considerations for Future Frequency Expansion:

Some may question the absence of the 4800 MHz to 4900 MHz frequency range used by mobile 5G networks. The reason for this omission is that the deployment of this frequency range is not yet widespread. Therefore, the decision to include interference modules for this frequency range in police interference devices should be based on the specific usage scenarios. However, with the expansion of the 2.6 GHz module’s frequency range, most mobile signal blocking requirements in various usage scenarios can already be met.


As 5G technology continues to advance, law enforcement agencies must adapt their equipment to effectively combat emerging threats. Upgrading police interference devices to include 5G blocking modules is crucial for maintaining the ability to shield and interfere with 5G signals. By adhering to the frequency division plan set by the MIIT and considering future frequency expansion, law enforcement agencies can ensure the continued effectiveness of their operations in the face of evolving communication technologies.