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Block Phone Signals in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Frequencies and Methods

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Blocking Phone Signals in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is served by several providers of mobile networks which offer extensive coverage throughout the country. The main network operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina are BH Telecom, HT Eronet and M: Tel. These operators offer mobile telephony, Internet and television services. However, there may be situations where you want to block telephone signals in certain specific areas, for example, for reasons of confidentiality, security or tranquility. In this article, we will examine the frequencies necessary to block telephone signals in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the corresponding methods.

Frequencies to be covered:

To effectively block telephone signals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is important to target the frequencies used by the mobile networks of the main operators. Network operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina use the following frequency bands:

BH Telecom:

BH Telecom uses GSM 900 and GSM 1800 frequencies for 2G communications, as well as the 2100 MHz frequency band for 3G communications. To block 2G and 3G signals from BH Telecom, you will have to cover the 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz frequency bands.

HT Eronet:

HT Eronet also uses the GSM 900 and GSM 1800 frequencies for 2G communications, as well as the 2100 MHz frequency band for 3G communications. To block 2G and 3G signals of HT Eronet, you will have to cover the frequency bands 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz.

M: Tel:

M: Tel uses the frequencies GSM 900 and GSM 1800 for 2G communications, as well as several frequency bands for 4G LTE communications, such as 800 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz. To block 2G and 4G signals of M: Tel, you will have to cover the corresponding frequencies used by this operator.

It is important to note that the specific frequencies used by operators can vary. It is recommended to consult the information provided by network operators or to use telecommunications experts to obtain precise details on the frequencies used in specific areas.

Methods to block phone signals:

Once you have identified the frequencies to be covered, you can use different methods to block phone signals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some common options include:

  • Signal jammers: Signal jammers are electronic devices designed to issue radio waves at specific frequencies, thus disturbing the nearby telephone signals. You can buy signal jammers that cover GSM, UMTS and LTE frequencies to block the signals of the main operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Physical interference: In some cases, it is possible to disrupt telephone signals using physical obstacles such as reflective materials, thick walls or metal structures. However, this method may not be as reliable or practical as the use of signal jammers or Faraday cage screens.

Want to Block Cell Phone Signal in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

We at Jammer Master are professional supplier of cell phone jammers. We have been in the industry for more than a decade so we know the in and outs of our products. All of our cell phone jammers are customized to counter the different frequency bands in different country. You can trust our product to block the cellular signals perfectly no matter where you live in.