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Barbados mobile phone signal jamming frequencies

Blocking Mobile Phone Signals in Barbados

Barbados, a magnificent Caribbean country, is known for its white sandy beaches and turquoise waters. However, there may be situations where you want to block mobile phone signals in certain areas, perhaps for reasons of confidentiality or to maintain calm and tranquility. This article will guide you on the frequencies to be covered to block mobile phone signals in Barbados.

Network suppliers in Barbados:

Barbados has two main mobile telephony network providers that offer extensive coverage on the island. Here are the main suppliers:

  • Digicel Barbados - Digicel is a well-known telecommunications company operating in several Caribbean countries, including Barbados. They provide mobile network services and offer coverage throughout the island. Digicel Barbados uses 850 MHz and 1900 MHz frequencies for its mobile telephone network.
  • Flow Barbados - Flow is another important network supplier in Barbados. They offer mobile, fixed, and internet services throughout the country. Flow Barbados uses frequencies 900 MHz and 1900 MHz for its mobile telephone network.

Frequencies to be covered to block Barbados mobile telephony signals:

To effectively block the mobile phone signals in Barbados, you will need to cover the frequencies used by the country's main network suppliers. This can be done using an appropriate jamming device that operates on the following frequencies:

  • To block the signals of Digicel Barbados, you will need to cover the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz frequencies.
  • To block Flow Barbados signals, you will have to cover the frequencies 900 MHz and 1900 MHz.

By covering these frequencies, you will be able to effectively block mobile phone signals from the main Barbados network suppliers.


If you need to block Barbados mobile telephony signals, it is essential to cover the specific frequencies used by the country's main network suppliers, such as Digicel Barbados (850 MHz and 1900 MHz) and Flow Barbados (900 MHz and 1900 MHz). Using an appropriate jamming device, you can prevent users from these suppliers from receiving or issuing calls, SMS, or mobile data.

Want to Block Cell Phone Signal in Barbados?

We at Jammer Master are professional supplier of cell phone jammers. We have been in the industry for more than a decade so we know the in and outs of our products. All of our cell phone jammers are customized to counter the different frequency bands in different country. You can trust our product to block the cellular signals perfectly no matter where you live in.